German WWII Forestry officers greatcoat. This ones MINT! and textbook in every way. Made of unique wool seen in most Forestry coats, it has a Green collar with machine sewn collar tabs. The tabs are Green with Silver wire piping and Silver wire bullion leafs. The shoulder boards are sewn-in and are Green velvet based with Darker Green top cording, with a single Acorn to each. The buttons are the proper DarkGreen plastic style. Sigle belt to the back of the coat with a single button. Green piping ot each cuff. The liner is a Green silk like material and is MINT, the photos reflect the light so it changes color, but its mint and shows no fading and no wear. There is a Tailors tab in the neck, but the coat is not named. You will not find a better one! I doubt it was ever worn.