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German WWII DUMMY MP38 Machine Pistol

SKU: German_WWII_DUMMY_MP38_Machine_Pistol

Original German WWII MP38 parts kit built on a dummy receiver.  This is a complete MP38 early kit.  The receiver is a solid dummy BUT this ones well built and of a high quality.  The back is stamped  MP 38 ayf 41.  It is built from several sections, put together to form a solid receiver, not the typical cheaper versions of cast aluminum.  It's still a dummy receiver and cannot be made to fire.  The parts are not matching numbers.  This is a RARE MP38 kit and these are almost impossible to find.  The trigger assembly is numbered 513, and early number and is in nice shape retaining 85% of the bluing.  The folding stock matches this number.  The magazine well is the smooth MP38 version and has a serial number 820 but the number may not be wartime.  The barrel assembly is nice retains about 50% of its buling.  The barrel resting bar is a postwar copy.  The cocking handle is permently into the dummy receiver and is the MP38 version.  The magazine is an MP41 version and is empty, meaning no internal spring or follower.  This kit is very solid and well made.  Anything MP38 is very rare!  NO INTERNATIONAL SALES.  Buyer must be over 21 years old.  This is not a firearm and is a parts kit.

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